IFTF 2022 on track!

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    IFTF 2022 on track!

    Vijfhuizen, Friday October 21. IFTF 2022 is getting ready to receive the thousands of international trade visitors that have pre-registered so far. With over 275 participating companies the number of exhibitors is approaching the level of pre Covid-19. A record high number of international flower growers are among them this year and therefore a great opportunity for buyers to source their flowers that are grown in all important flower producing countries of the world. This likely presence of an extra abundance of flowers will make the show even more attractive than it already always is.

    A considerable number of first time exhibitors have signed up this year for IFTF and one the many reasons why it is exciting every year again and important to visit the Trade Fair IFTF in Vijfhuizen. The show will take place one week later this year, because of the dates of all Saints and All Souls Day.

    One of the specialties of this year at IFTF, and an extra network opportunity as well, is the international conference “Flowers by Sea”, which will take place a day before the exhibition will start. On Tuesday November 8 more than 400 people will attend a congress about the transition of transporting flowers by air to freighting them by sea. A panel of 8 industry peers will answer all questions from the audience about this very important subject that, according to some, may even shake the foundation of the world cut flower industry.

    The overwhelming interest to attend is a clear sign how concerned the industry is about its future. The auditorium is full with professionals from every chain of the floral industry from all over the world with even a waiting list for several hoping to get a seat at the last moment.

    It is looking positive for this year’s edition of IFTF with a strong increased number of exhibiting international flower growers, who can expect a similar strong increased demand for flowers!

    For more information: http://www.iftf.nl.






    That Flower Feeling comes to IFTF.

    That Flower Feeling is a new brand established by CalFlowers Association to increase per-capita floral consumption in the US market.

    Launched in January 2022, That Flower Feeling brand, and its associated campaign ‘Flowers. Self care made easy’, has reached over 48 million US consumers with over 60 million impressions served across numerous social media and digital audio platforms.

    “Our campaign has focused on engaging consumers in the 25-39 age bracket across Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, Pinterest as well as Sirius XM Radio, Spotify, and several of the world’s most popular podcasts,” said Executive Director Steve Dionne.  “We carefully tracked consumer reactions using gold-standard market analytics and have demonstrated an 8% lift in the all-important ‘intent to purchase’ category”.  Dionne estimates that the massive exposure combined with strong consumer engagement has resulted in the potential to expand floral purchases in 2022 by over $200 million USD.  The fun, edgy campaign – developed in partnership with marketing agency 180 Amsterdam, has also earned a finalist spot for the Brand Development category for the prestigious Dutch Creativity (ADCN) awards.

    The CalFlowers board of directors determined that the most effective way to initiate a national marketing campaign for fresh flowers was to first use its own resources to launch the effort, then validate its effectiveness, and finally to encourage the entire floral industry to voluntarily fund ongoing campaign efforts.  That Flower Feeling Foundation, a 501c6 non-profit entity, has been established for the sole purpose of collecting funds from the greater industry and dedicating those funds to expanding the Self Care campaign and create future creative campaigns to continue to expand the market.

    “All floral companies, regardless of industry segment or location, should give serious consideration to joining their fellow industry stakeholders in supporting the industry through serious, effective, large-scale, professional marketing.  Already over 50 companies have funded the Foundation since its launch at the Fun ‘N Sun convention in August,” said Joost Bongaerts, owner of Florabundance and board member of CalFlowers.

    You can find That Flower Feeling Foundation at stand D5.25.







    Hortus (HSI) exhibitor for the 12th consecutive time at the IFTF in Vijfhuizen

    From 9 to 11 November 2022, Hortus will be an exhibitor (for the 12th time!) at the International Floriculture Trade Fair (IFTF). The IFTF is one of the leading floriculture fairs with exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. Many breeders, growers, wholesalers, suppliers and retailers will visit the fair to maintain existing relationships and develop new ones. At the IFTF, Hortus will present 3 innovative products out of our complete product range for you to discover.

    For Hortus, the IFTF fair is a valuable event for a number of reasons:

    • It is an excellent opportunity to meet with our existing customers and suppliers
    • Expand our network with new relationships
    • Showcase interesting or new products

    At the IFTF we focus on presenting three innovative products; The Airmixer, Nano Trace Minerals and Fibercell Plug Paper from our new partner BCC.

    Airmix for mixing fertilizers
    Hortus developed the innovative Airmix pump. This pump is able to mix the fertilizers in fertilizer stock tanks easily and cost-effectively. One Airmix pump mixes 2 containers of 2200 liters each with air. Fertilizers are drawn evenly from the tanks and distributed evenly through irrigation systems, without sediment. The Airmix is easy to install and requires little maintenance, making it ideal for a wide range of growers and situations.

    Nano trace minerals
    Nano trace elements are an innovative way to strengthen plants, making them less susceptible to diseases and pests, improving their structure and producing increased yields per square metre. Additionally, the nano trace elements are sustainable in use.

    AgroArgentum® is an NK-9-6 EC fertilizer which contains 1% silver nanoparticles that keep the plant with an active metabolism. AgroCyprum® is a copper EC fertilizer solution that contains 3% copper nanoparticles. AgroFerrum® is an iron fertilizer solution that contains 15% iron nanoparticles.

    All these products have an optimized concentration of their ingredients and because of the reduced size of their components, are more bioavailable for the plants.

    AgroCalcium® is a calcium EC fertilizer solution with the optimized concentration of all its ingredients. It contains 20% calcium, 1,5% magnesium and 1,5% silicon, made from micro fine ground rock flour and also thanks to the reduced size of its component, is more bioavailable for the plants.

    For each cultivation there is a specific protocol how to use and combine the Nano Trace Elements in the best rates. The elements strengthen each other and with the correct dosage per element, the results will be optimal for your crop. Your plants and yield will benefit significant.

    Multiple tests at growers worldwide have shown very positive results. Stronger crops which become more resistant and higher yields.

    Fibercell Plug Paper from BCC
    Our partner BCC is the ultimate and complete partner for paper based growing systems. They develop, produce, deliver, install and service customized complete solutions or standardized machines for growing all type of crops in the FiberCell system worldwide. At the IFTF we present Fibercell Plug Paper prime medium for horticultural use in plant propagation.

    The Plug Paper Prime Medium, is suitable for crops with a longer propagation period, have a degradation time of 4 – 12 months and are certified (FSC, Rainforest Alliance)

    The paper rolls in the Prime family are used by numerous forest and flower nurseries , like summer flowers and rose propagation, around the world, but is also suitable for other type of crops in other areas, like Pinus Radiata, Eucalyptus, Acacia, Coffee and Citrus.

    Visit us at the IFTF
    We are very much looking forward to welcoming you at our stand. You can find us almost immediately upon arrival at stand A3.14.

    Click here if you would like to catch up with someone specific from our Hortus team.

    Source: Hortus

















    # Company Country Booth
    1 247flowers.online Holland B1.47
    2 Acanfora Fiori Italy B1.46
    3 Aercaribe Colombia D2.05
    4 AFG Worldwide South Africa D3.23
    5 Afrex Trading 2003 Pty. Ltd. South Africa D1.38
    6 Afriflora Ethiopia A1.01
    7 Aggarwal Corrukrafts (Pvt) Ltd. India D5.37
    8 Agrícola Circasia / Vuelven Colombia B4.12
    9 Agrícola El Cactus Colombia D4.05
    10 Agricola El Chaupi Ecuador B1.43
    11 Agrinag Ecuador B3.24
    12 AgroCheck Holland B1.21
    13 Agrocoex Ecuador A3.02F
    14 Agrogana Ecuador A1.25
    15 Agroterranorte S.A Ecuador D1.23
    16 Air France-KLM-Martinair Cargo Holland B2.01
    17 Aircargo.nl B.V. Holland B1.39
    18 Airflo Holland B1.01
    19 Alexandra Farms Colombia A1.15
    20 Alma Spray Roses Ecuador B3.24
    21 American Flowers Medellin Colombia A4.22
    22 ANCEF Italy B2.18
    23 Andrearoses Ecuador C5.04
    24 Anthura Holland A3.09
    25 Aposentos Colombia B1.16
    26 Aquila Flowers Kenya C3.12
    27 ARC France C3.06
    28 Armando Alvarez Group Spain D5.21
    29 Aromas Farms Colombia B5.14
    30 Azaya Gardens Ecuador D1.33
    31 Ball Horticultural USA A4.02
    32 Ball Horticultural USA A4.02
    33 Barile Flowers Service Italy B1.06
    34 Bellaflowers Rwanda D6.11
    35 Bellarosa Ecuador B3.24
    36 Benary Germany D3.25
    37 Bercomex Flower Processing Solutions Holland A4.12
    38 Biancheri Creazioni Italy B4.10
    39 BOT Flowerbulbs Holland B3.37
    40 Byfod Holland D3.23
    41 ByRival Holland B1.21
    42 Canaraflor Spain D5.39
    43 Cargo-Lite Israel D1.38
    44 Cean Global Exports Colombia D3.11
    45 Cereria Carlo Nappi s.r.l. Italy D5.35
    46 Ceres Farms Ecuador A3.02C
    47 Chrysal International Holland B1.42
    48 Chrysal Ltd. Kenya C2.16
    49 Ciesse Flower Export s.r.l. Italy B5.06
    50 Coexflor Ecuador A4.22
    51 Colibri Flowers Colombia B1.16
    52 Coloríginz Holland D6.12
    53 Continental Breeding Spain A1.22
    54 Credible Blooms Kenya C2.16
    55 De Ruiter Innovations Holland A1.02
    56 Debets Schalke Holland A1.33
    57 Denkers Chile S.p.A. Chile C1.02
    58 Denkers Shipping B.V. Holland C1.02
    59 Diemme Fiori Italy B2.18
    60 Don Eusebio Colombia B1.16
    61 DryGair Holland B4.06
    62 DS Hortitrade Holland A1.33
    63 E.G. Hill USA A5.06
    64 Ecoroses Ecuador B1.07
    65 Eden Roses Ecuador C5.06
    66 Elemflora Srl. Italy B2.18
    67 Elgon Collection Kenya D3.17
    68 EN Flower Italy B1.46
    69 Endless Spring Farms Ecuador D1.23
    70 EQR Ecuador D1.23
    71 Ercolano Flora Italy B1.32
    72 Esmeralda Farms Ecuador B3.12
    73 Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) Ethiopia A1.01
    74 Everbloom Roses Ecuador D1.23
    75 Everest Enterprises Ltd. Kenya A4.22
    76 Everflora Kenya C5.02
    77 Everspring Holland B5.26
    78 Exome Life Sciences India D1.26
    79 FEX B.V. Holland D3.34
    80 Fillco Flowers Colombia B1.49
    81 Fina Flora Ltd. Kenya A4.22
    82 Flawless Flowers Kenya D6.05
    83 Flexin SRL Italy B1.36
    84 Flora Campana Int. Italy B1.46
    85 Flora Toscana Soc. Agr. Coop. Italy B1.26
    86 Flora United International Holland B2.38
    87 Flora United Portugal Portugal D5.23
    88 Flora United South Africa South Africa D5.23
    89 FloralDaily Holland D1.22
    90 Floramiata Italy B1.06
    91 Floraroma Ecuador A3.33
    92 Florca Westland B.V. Holland C5.10
    93 Florencia Blooms Ltd. Kenya A4.22
    94 Florequisa Ecuador A3.02E
    95 Flores de la Hacienda Ecuador C1.06
    96 Flores el Capiro Colombia B1.16
    97 Flores El Pandero Colombia D4.05
    98 Flores La Conchita Colombia D4.05
    99 Flores Prisma S.A., C.I. Colombia B4.02
    100 Flores Silvestres Colombia C4.14
    101 Floriken Blooms Kenya D6.05
    102 Florissant Holland C5.18
    103 Florsani Ecuador B3.32
    104 Flower Cargo Ecuador D1.23
    105 Flower Village Ecuador B3.24
    106 Flowers Express SRL Italy B1.36
    107 Flowers of Colombia / Asocolflores Colombia B1.16
    108 Flowers of Colombia / Asocolflores Colombia D4.05
    109 FlowerWatch Holland D6.19
    110 Flowex B.V. Holland B1.36
    111 Four Seasons Quality B.V. Holland B2.08
    112 FreshPortal Software Holland B1.21
    113 FSQ Box/Platform Holland B2.06
    114 Geerlofs Refrigeration Holland B1.25
    115 Geoflora Colombia D2.11
    116 Green Leaf Italy B1.46
    117 Greenex Colombia B1.16
    118 Greenhouse Marketeers Holland C5.14
    119 Grupo Andes Farms Colombia B1.16
    120 Grupo Vegaflor Colombia B1.16
    121 Gutimilko, C.I. Colombia D3.37
    122 Gypso Flowers Ecuador D1.28
    123 Haakman Flowerbulbs B.V. Holland C3.06
    124 Hans van der Poel B.V. Holland C3.06
    125 Harry Vernooy Holland C2.04
    126 Havatec BV Holland C3.06
    127 Henat Enterprises Ltd. Kenya D6.06
    128 HilverdaFlorist B.V. Colombia C3.01
    129 Hoja Verde Ecuador A4.14
    130 Holex Flower B.V. Holland B2.43
    131 Hortijardines & Milanflor Ecuador A4.22
    132 Hortimat Holland B5.32
    133 Hortus Supplies International Holland A3.14
    134 HPL Apollo Ecuador D4.02
    135 Hydraflora s.a.s Colombia A4.22
    136 HyperVend / FloraBot USA D1.43
    137 Hypot South Korea C1.19
    138 IAA-Fresh Holland C1.11
    139 Import Promotion Desk (IPD) Germany A4.22
    140 Indiagro B.V. Holland D4.01
    141 Inverpalmas Colombia B1.16
    142 Invos Flowers Colombia A5.10
    143 IPHandlers Holland A1.07
    144 Isinya Roses / Porini Flowers Kenya C4.01
    145 Italian Flowers & Green Soc. Agr. Italy B1.46
    146 Jan Spek Rozen Holland A2.02
    148 Kapiteyn Group Holland D4.17
    149 Kenya Flower Council (KFC) Kenya C2.16
    150 Kikwetu Flowers Kenya D6.11A
    151 Koduk Green House South Korea C1.09
    152 Könst Alstroemeria B.V. Holland B3.08
    153 Kranian Farms Kenya D6.05
    154 Kuehne + Nagel Holland B1.27
    155 Kunming Hui Wei Flower Co. Ltd. China C1.23
    156 La Gaitana Farms S.A. Colombia B1.02
    157 La Partenopea Soc. Coop. Agr. Italy B1.46
    158 Liguria Blumen Italy A3.27
    159 Liquid Seal Holland B3.06
    160 Lock Drives Holland B1.35
    161 Loginet Italy B1.32
    162 Logiztik Alliance Group Ecuador A1.32
    163 Luisiana Farms Colombia D4.05
    164 Maersk Kenya D2.17
    165 Manuchar Agro Belgium C2.08
    166 Matina Flowers Colombia B4.12
    167 Matiz Roses Ecuador A5.18
    168 Mecaflor France B4.28
    169 Meilland International France A1.14
    170 Meridiana Soc. Agr. Italy B1.46
    171 Merizalde & Ramírez Ecuador D1.23
    172 Milestone Fresh Holland D3.43
    173 Monterosas Ecuador D1.23
    174 Morgan Cargo Holland C1.16
    175 Mount Kenya Alstroemeria Ltd. Kenya A4.22
    176 MPS Holland C1.03
    177 Mt. Kenya Sprouts Kenya A4.22
    178 Muller Bloemzaden B.V. Holland A5.02
    179 Multiflora Colombia B5.02
    180 Murara Plants Kenya C3.01
    181 MyFlowers.Online Holland D2.39
    182 Mystic Flowers Ecuador A1.28
    183 Mzurrie Flowers Kenya B4.24
    184 Naranjo Roses Group Ecuador A2.28
    185 National Agricultural Export Development Board Rwanda D6.11
    186 Native Blooms Ecuador A3.23
    187 Nativefarm S.A. Ecuador A4.22
    188 Natuflor Ecuador B3.24
    189 Natura Eterna Ecuador B3.24
    190 New Blooms Solutions USA D5.46
    191 New Phlora Soc. Agr. Italy B1.46
    192 Newday Farms Turkey C1.15
    193 NFC Colombia B1.16
    194 NH Samen Veilig Holland D3.44
    195 Ninth Avenue Ltd. Kenya D6.06
    196 Normec Groen Agro Control Holland B5.30
    197 Octoflor Holland C4.16
    198 Olimpo Flowers Ecuador A3.02D
    199 P.J. Dave Flora Kenya C3.24
    200 Pagter Holland A2.32
    201 Plastika Kritis S.A. Greece D2.43
    202 Premium Greens Australia Australia A1.27
    203 ProChile Chile C4.12
    204 Proecuador Ecuador D1.23
    205 Profiflora Poland D3.38
    206 Promoflor Srl. Italy B2.18
    207 Proteas del Sol Andino Inc. Ecuador A4.22
    208 Pyganflor Ecuador B3.24
    209 QualisA Ecuador B3.24
    210 Quito Inor Flowers / Flower`s House Group Ecuador A4.22
    211 Real Carga Colombia D4.11
    212 Red Lands Roses Kenya C2.16
    213 Redil Roses Colombia B1.16
    214 Regione Campania Italy B1.46
    215 Rhenus Fresh Holland B5.25
    216 Rosaprima Ecuador A4.24
    217 RoseAmor Holland B2.02
    218 Roses Forever ApS Denmark B2.24
    219 Rosesland Farm Ecuador A1.23
    220 Roshanara Ethiopia A1.01
    221 Rotaris Germany A5.14
    222 Royal Brinkman Holland B4.06
    223 Royal FloraHolland Holland C2.12
    224 Royal Van Zanten Breeding Holland B1.11
    225 SachaFlor Ecuador A3.02B
    226 SAFTEC Ecuador D1.34
    227 San Jorge Roses And Feelings S.C.C Ecuador D1.23
    228 Sanima Garden Ecuador D1.23
    229 Sant`Antonio Soc. Coop. Italy B1.46
    230 SB Talee Colombia D2.11
    231 Selecta Cut Flowers, S.A.U. Spain B1.08
    232 Serrezuela Flowers Colombia B1.16
    233 Sian Flowers Kenya C2.02
    234 Singha SAS / The Farm Direct Company Colombia B5.10
    235 SM International Italy B1.46
    236 Spring from Holland Holland C2.04
    237 Star Roses Ecuador A2.22
    238 Stelzner / Pronova Germany A5.22
    239 Subati Flowers Kenya B3.02
    240 Sunrite Farms Ecuador D3.39
    241 SV Blumen Express Germany B1.36
    242 Tana Flora Ethiopia A1.01
    243 Tessa Roses Ecuador A3.02A
    244 Teucali Flowers Colombia B1.16
    245 That Flower Feeling  foundation USA D5.25
    246 The Elite Flower / Flora Concept Colombia B3.24
    247 The Flower Hub Kenya C3.18
    248 The Tape Factory Holland B2.32
    249 The Valley Springs USA C3.14
    250 Thursd.com Holland D1.24
    251 Tierra Verde Ecuador D1.23
    252 Tinaw Flowers Ethiopia A1.01
    253 Turflor S.A. Colombia B4.26
    254 Turkish Cargo Turkey C1.13
    255 Turkish Flower Group Turkey A2.14
    256 UFO Supplies B.V. Holland C5.18
    257 Union Fleurs Belgium B1.37
    258 United Calla Holland C1.17
    259 United Selections Holland B3.08
    260 Valle Verde / Alkavat Ecuador A1.20
    261 Van Egmond Lisianthus Holland B4.32
    262 Vaselife Holland B5.18
    263 Verdissimo SA Spain B3.28
    264 Viking Roses ApS Denmark B2.24
    265 Wafex Pty Ltd. Australia C3.03
    266 Waya Roses Farm Ecuador A4.22
    267 YASA Colombia A4.22
    268 Zabo Plant Holland D2.03


    In this newsletter:

    • IFTF 2022 on track!.
    • Hortus (HSI) exhibitor
      for the 12th consecutive time at the IFTF in Vijfhuizen!
    • That Flower Feeling comes to IFTF
    • Updated floor plan.
    • Updated exhibitor list


    Get your free entry ticket online:


     Show Hours:

     Wednesday November 9
     10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

     Thursday November 10
     10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

     Friday November 11
     10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.



     Expo Greater Amsterdam
     Formarly known as:
     Expo Haarlemmermeer


     Stelling 1
     S2141 SB Vijfhuizen
     The Netherlands

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